Source code for graphid.util.mpl_plottool

Port of the less useful parts of plottool that util_graphviz still depends on

TODO: try and depricate or refactor these
import numpy as np

BLACK = np.array([0., 0., 0., 1.])
NEUTRAL_BLUE = np.array([0.62352941, 0.62352941, 0.94509804, 1.        ])

[docs] def get_plotdat_dict(ax): """ sets internal property to a matplotlib axis """ if '_plotdat' not in ax.__dict__: ax.__dict__['_plotdat'] = {} plotdat_dict = ax.__dict__['_plotdat'] return plotdat_dict
[docs] def set_plotdat(ax, key, val): """ sets internal property to a matplotlib axis """ _plotdat = get_plotdat_dict(ax) _plotdat[key] = val
[docs] def make_bbox(bbox, theta=0, bbox_color=None, ax=None, lw=2, alpha=1.0, align='center', fill=None, **kwargs): if ax is None: import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() (rx, ry, rw, rh) = bbox # Transformations are specified in backwards order. trans_annotation = mpl.transforms.Affine2D() if align == 'center': trans_annotation.scale(rw, rh) elif align == 'outer': trans_annotation.scale(rw + (lw / 2), rh + (lw / 2)) elif align == 'inner': trans_annotation.scale(rw - (lw / 2), rh - (lw / 2)) trans_annotation.rotate(theta) trans_annotation.translate(rx + rw / 2, ry + rh / 2) t_end = trans_annotation + ax.transData bbox = mpl.patches.Rectangle((-.5, -.5), 1, 1, lw=lw, transform=t_end, **kwargs) bbox.set_fill(fill if fill else None) bbox.set_alpha(alpha) #bbox.set_transform(trans) bbox.set_edgecolor(bbox_color) return bbox
[docs] def get_axis_xy_width_height(ax=None, xaug=0, yaug=0, waug=0, haug=0): ' gets geometry of a subplot ' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() autoAxis = ax.axis() xy = ((autoAxis[0] + xaug), (autoAxis[2] + yaug)) width = ((autoAxis[1] - autoAxis[0]) + waug) height = ((autoAxis[3] - autoAxis[2]) + haug) return (xy, width, height)
[docs] def ax_absolute_text(x_, y_, txt, ax=None, roffset=None, **kwargs): """ Base function for text Kwargs: horizontalalignment in ['right', 'center', 'left'], verticalalignment in ['top'] color """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt gca = plt.gca() kwargs = kwargs.copy() if (ax is None): ax = gca() if ('ha' in kwargs): kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = kwargs['ha'] if ('va' in kwargs): kwargs['verticalalignment'] = kwargs['va'] if ('fontproperties' not in kwargs): if ('fontsize' in kwargs): fontsize = kwargs['fontsize'] font_prop = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(family='monospace', size=fontsize) kwargs['fontproperties'] = font_prop else: kwargs['fontproperties'] = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(family='monospace') if ('clip_on' not in kwargs): kwargs['clip_on'] = True if (roffset is not None): (xroff, yroff) = roffset (xy, width, height) = get_axis_xy_width_height(ax) x_ += (xroff * width) y_ += (yroff * height) return ax.text(x_, y_, txt, **kwargs)
[docs] def cartoon_stacked_rects(xy, width, height, num=4, shift=None, **kwargs): """ pt.figure() xy = (.5, .5) width = .2 height = .2 ax = pt.gca() ax.add_collection(col) """ import matplotlib as mpl if shift is None: shift = np.array([-width, height]) * (.1 / num) xy = np.array(xy) rectkw = dict( ec=kwargs.pop('ec', None), lw=kwargs.pop('lw', None), linestyle=kwargs.pop('linestyle', None), ) patch_list = [mpl.patches.Rectangle(xy + shift * count, width, height, **rectkw) for count in reversed(range(num))] col = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patch_list, **kwargs) return col
[docs] def parse_fontkw(**kwargs): r""" Kwargs: fontsize, fontfamilty, fontproperties Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:matplotlib) >>> parse_fontkw() """ from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties import matplotlib as mpl if 'fontproperties' not in kwargs: size = kwargs.get('fontsize', 14) weight = kwargs.get('fontweight', 'normal') fontname = kwargs.get('fontname', None) if fontname is not None: # TODO catch user warning '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/' '/usr/share/fonts/opentype/' fontpath = mpl.font_manager.findfont(fontname, fallback_to_default=False) font_prop = FontProperties(fname=fontpath, weight=weight, size=size) else: family = kwargs.get('fontfamilty', 'monospace') font_prop = FontProperties(family=family, weight=weight, size=size) else: font_prop = kwargs['fontproperties'] return font_prop