Source code for graphid.util.util_misc

import ubelt as ub  # NOQA
import itertools as it
import numpy as np

[docs] def randn(mean=0, std=1, shape=[], a_max=None, a_min=None, rng=None): a = (rng.randn(*shape) * std) + mean if a_max is not None or a_min is not None: a = np.clip(a, a_min, a_max) return a
[docs] def aslist(sequence): """ Ensures that the sequence object is a Python list. Handles, numpy arrays, and python sequences (e.g. tuples, and iterables). Args: sequence (sequence): a list-like object Returns: list: list_ - `sequence` as a Python list Example: >>> s1 = [1, 2, 3] >>> s2 = (1, 2, 3) >>> assert aslist(s1) is s1 >>> assert aslist(s2) is not s2 >>> aslist(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])) [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] >>> aslist(range(3)) [0, 1, 2] """ if isinstance(sequence, list): return sequence elif isinstance(sequence, np.ndarray): list_ = sequence.tolist() else: list_ = list(sequence) return list_
[docs] class classproperty(property): """ Decorates a method turning it into a classattribute References: """ def __get__(self, cls, owner): return classmethod(self.fget).__get__(None, owner)()
[docs] def estarmap(func, iter_, **kwargs): """ Eager version of it.starmap from itertools Note this is inefficient and should only be used when prototyping and debugging. """ return [func(*arg, **kwargs) for arg in iter_]
[docs] def delete_dict_keys(dict_, key_list): r""" Removes items from a dictionary inplace. Keys that do not exist are ignored. Args: dict_ (dict): dict like object with a __del__ attribute key_list (list): list of keys that specify the items to remove Example: >>> dict_ = {'bread': 1, 'churches': 1, 'cider': 2, 'very small rocks': 2} >>> key_list = ['duck', 'bread', 'cider'] >>> delete_dict_keys(dict_, key_list) >>> result = ub.urepr(dict_, nl=False) >>> print(result) {'churches': 1, 'very small rocks': 2} """ invalid_keys = set(key_list) - set(dict_.keys()) valid_keys = set(key_list) - invalid_keys for key in valid_keys: del dict_[key] return dict_
[docs] def flag_None_items(list_): return [item is None for item in list_]
[docs] def where(flag_list): """ takes flags returns indexes of True values """ return [index for index, flag in enumerate(flag_list) if flag]
[docs] def delete_items_by_index(list_, index_list, copy=False): """ Remove items from ``list_`` at positions specified in ``index_list`` The original ``list_`` is preserved if ``copy`` is True Args: list_ (list): index_list (list): copy (bool): preserves original list if True Example: >>> list_ = [8, 1, 8, 1, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6] >>> index_list = [2, -1] >>> result = delete_items_by_index(list_, index_list) >>> print(result) [8, 1, 1, 6, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5] """ if copy: list_ = list_[:] # Rectify negative indicies index_list_ = [(len(list_) + x if x < 0 else x) for x in index_list] # Remove largest indicies first index_list_ = sorted(index_list_, reverse=True) for index in index_list_: del list_[index] return list_
[docs] def make_index_lookup(list_, dict_factory=dict): r""" Args: list_ (list): assumed to have unique items Returns: dict: mapping from item to index Example: >>> list_ = [5, 3, 8, 2] >>> idx2_item = make_index_lookup(list_) >>> result = ub.urepr(idx2_item, nl=False, sort=1) >>> assert list(ub.take(idx2_item, list_)) == list(range(len(list_))) >>> print(result) {2: 3, 3: 1, 5: 0, 8: 2} """ return dict_factory(zip(list_, range(len(list_))))
[docs] def cprint(text, color=None): """ provides some color to terminal output Args: text (str): color (str): Ignore: assert color in ['', 'yellow', 'blink', 'lightgray', 'underline', 'darkyellow', 'blue', 'darkblue', 'faint', 'fuchsia', 'black', 'white', 'red', 'brown', 'turquoise', 'bold', 'darkred', 'darkgreen', 'reset', 'standout', 'darkteal', 'darkgray', 'overline', 'purple', 'green', 'teal', 'fuscia'] Example0: >>> import pygments.console >>> msg_list = list( >>> color_list = list( >>> [cprint(text, color) for text, color in zip(msg_list, color_list)] Example1: >>> import pygments.console >>> print('line1') >>> cprint('line2', 'red') >>> cprint('line3', 'blue') >>> cprint('line4', 'magenta') >>> cprint('line5', 'reset') >>> cprint('line5', 'magenta') >>> print('line6') """ if False and ub.WIN32: # Ignore colors on windows. Seems to cause a recursion error print(text) else: try: if color is None: print(ub.color_text(text, 'blue')) else: print(ub.color_text(text, color)) except RecursionError: print(text)
[docs] def ensure_iterable(obj): """ Args: obj (scalar or iterable): Returns: it3erable: obj if it was iterable otherwise [obj] Timeit: %timeit util.ensure_iterable([1]) %timeit util.ensure_iterable(1) %timeit util.ensure_iterable(np.array(1)) %timeit util.ensure_iterable([1]) %timeit [1] Example: >>> obj_list = [3, [3], '3', (3,), [3,4,5]] >>> result = [ensure_iterable(obj) for obj in obj_list] >>> result = str(result) >>> print(result) [[3], [3], ['3'], (3,), [3, 4, 5]] """ if ub.iterable(obj): return obj else: return [obj]
[docs] def highlight_regex(str_, pat, reflags=0, color='red'): """ FIXME Use pygments instead """ import re matches = list(re.finditer(pat, str_, flags=reflags)) colored = str_ for match in reversed(matches): start = match.start() end = match.end() colored_part = ub.color_text(colored[start:end], color) colored = colored[:start] + colored_part + colored[end:] return colored
[docs] def regex_word(w): return r'\b%s\b' % (w,)
[docs] def setdiff(list1, list2): """ returns list1 elements that are not in list2. preserves order of list1 Args: list1 (list): list2 (list): Returns: list: new_list Example: >>> list1 = ['featweight_rowid', 'feature_rowid', 'config_rowid', 'featweight_forground_weight'] >>> list2 = [u'featweight_rowid'] >>> new_list = setdiff(list1, list2) >>> result = ub.urepr(new_list, nl=False) >>> print(result) ['feature_rowid', 'config_rowid', 'featweight_forground_weight'] """ set2 = set(list2) return [item for item in list1 if item not in set2]
[docs] def all_dict_combinations(varied_dict): """ all_dict_combinations Args: varied_dict (dict): a dict with lists of possible parameter settings Returns: list: dict_list a list of dicts correpsonding to all combinations of params settings Example: >>> varied_dict = {'logdist_weight': [0.0, 1.0], 'pipeline_root': ['vsmany'], 'sv_on': [True, False, None]} >>> dict_list = all_dict_combinations(varied_dict) >>> result = str(ub.urepr(dict_list)) >>> print(result) [ {'logdist_weight': 0.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': True}, {'logdist_weight': 0.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': False}, {'logdist_weight': 0.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': None}, {'logdist_weight': 1.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': True}, {'logdist_weight': 1.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': False}, {'logdist_weight': 1.0, 'pipeline_root': 'vsmany', 'sv_on': None}, ] """ #tups_list = [[(key, val) for val in val_list] # if isinstance(val_list, (list, tuple)) # else [(key, val_list)] # for (key, val_list) in six.iteritems(varied_dict)] tups_list = [[(key, val) for val in val_list] if isinstance(val_list, (list)) #if isinstance(val_list, (list, tuple)) else [(key, val_list)] for (key, val_list) in iteritems_sorted(varied_dict)] dict_list = [dict(tups) for tups in it.product(*tups_list)] #dict_list = [{key: val for (key, val) in tups} for tups in it.product(*tups_list)] #from collections import OrderedDict #dict_list = [OrderedDict([(key, val) for (key, val) in tups]) for tups in it.product(*tups_list)] return dict_list
[docs] def iteritems_sorted(dict_): """ change to iteritems ordered """ if isinstance(dict_, ub.odict): return dict_.items() else: return iter(sorted(dict_.items()))
[docs] def partial_order(list_, part): list_items = set(list_) part_items = set(part) begin = [p for p in part if p in list_items] end = [item for item in list_ if item not in part_items] return begin + end
[docs] def replace_nones(list_, repl=-1): r""" Recursively removes Nones in all lists and sublists and replaces them with the repl variable Args: list_ (list): repl (obj): replacement value Returns: list Example: >>> list_ = [None, 0, 1, 2] >>> repl = -1 >>> repl_list = replace_nones(list_, repl) >>> result = str(repl_list) >>> print(result) [-1, 0, 1, 2] """ repl_list = [ repl if item is None else ( replace_nones(item, repl) if isinstance(item, list) else item ) for item in list_ ] return repl_list
[docs] def take_percentile_parts(arr, front=None, mid=None, back=None): """ Take parts from front, back, or middle of a list Example: >>> arr = list(range(20)) >>> front = 3 >>> mid = 3 >>> back = 3 >>> result = take_percentile_parts(arr, front, mid, back) >>> print(result) [0, 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19] """ slices = [] if front: slices += [snapped_slice(len(arr), 0.0, front)] if mid: slices += [snapped_slice(len(arr), 0.5, mid)] if back: slices += [snapped_slice(len(arr), 1.0, back)] parts = list(ub.flatten([arr[sl] for sl in slices])) return parts
[docs] def snapped_slice(size, frac, n): r""" Creates a slice spanning `n` items in a list of length `size` at position `frac`. Args: size (int): length of the list frac (float): position in the range [0, 1] n (int): number of items in the slice Returns: slice: slice object that best fits the criteria SeeAlso: take_percentile_parts Example: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> print(snapped_slice(0, 0, 10)) >>> print(snapped_slice(1, 0, 10)) >>> print(snapped_slice(100, 0, 10)) >>> print(snapped_slice(9, 0, 10)) >>> print(snapped_slice(100, 1, 10)) pass """ from math import floor, ceil if size < n: n = size start = int(size * frac - ceil(n / 2)) + 1 stop = int(size * frac + floor(n / 2)) + 1 # slide to the front or the back buf = 0 if stop >= size: buf = (size - stop) elif start < 0: buf = 0 - start stop += buf start += buf assert stop <= size, 'out of bounds [%r, %r]' % (stop, start) sl = slice(start, stop) return sl
[docs] def get_timestamp(format_='iso', use_second=False, delta_seconds=None, isutc=False, timezone=False): """ get_timestamp Args: format_ (str): (tag, printable, filename, other) use_second (bool): delta_seconds (None): Returns: str: stamp Example: >>> format_ = 'printable' >>> use_second = False >>> delta_seconds = None >>> stamp = get_timestamp(format_, use_second, delta_seconds) >>> print(stamp) >>> assert len(stamp) == len('15:43:04 2015/02/24') """ # TODO: time.timezone import time import datetime if format_ == 'int': if isutc: stamp = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) else: stamp = int(time.mktime(time.localtime())) return stamp if isutc: now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: now = if delta_seconds is not None: now += datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta_seconds) if format_ == 'iso': # ISO 8601 #utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() #utcnow.isoformat() localOffsetHour = time.timezone // 3600 utc_offset = '-' + str(localOffsetHour) if localOffsetHour < 0 else '+' + str(localOffsetHour) stamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S') + utc_offset return stamp if format_ == 'tag': time_tup = (now.year - 2000, now.month, stamp = '%02d%02d%02d' % time_tup elif format_ == 'printable': time_tup = (now.hour, now.minute, now.second, now.year, now.month, time_format = '%02d:%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%02d' stamp = time_format % time_tup else: if use_second: time_tup = (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second) time_formats = { 'filename': 'ymd_hms-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d', 'comment': '# (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d'} else: time_tup = (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute) time_formats = { 'filename': 'ymd_hm-%04d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d', 'comment': '# (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d'} stamp = time_formats[format_] % time_tup if timezone: if isutc: stamp += '_UTC' else: from pytz import reference localtime = reference.LocalTimezone() tzname = localtime.tzname(now) stamp += '_' + tzname return stamp
[docs] def isect(list1, list2): """ returns list1 elements that are also in list2. preserves order of list1 intersect_ordered Args: list1 (list): list2 (list): Returns: list: new_list Example: >>> list1 = ['featweight_rowid', 'feature_rowid', 'config_rowid', 'featweight_forground_weight'] >>> list2 = [u'featweight_rowid'] >>> result = isect(list1, list2) >>> print(result) ['featweight_rowid'] """ set2 = set(list2) return [item for item in list1 if item in set2]
[docs] def safe_extreme(arr, op, fill=np.nan, finite=False, nans=True): """ Applies an exterme operation to an 1d array (typically max/min) but ensures a value is always returned even in operations without identities. The default identity must be specified using the `fill` argument. Args: arr (ndarray): 1d array to take extreme of op (func): vectorized operation like np.max to apply to array fill (float): return type if arr has no elements (default = nan) finite (bool): if True ignores non-finite values (default = False) nans (bool): if False ignores nans (default = True) """ if arr is None: extreme = fill else: arr = np.asarray(arr) if finite: arr = arr.compress(np.isfinite(arr)) if not nans: arr = arr.compress(np.logical_not(np.isnan(arr))) if len(arr) == 0: extreme = fill else: extreme = op(arr) return extreme
[docs] def safe_argmax(arr, fill=np.nan, finite=False, nans=True): """ Doctest: >>> assert safe_argmax([np.nan, np.nan], nans=False) == 0 >>> assert safe_argmax([-100, np.nan], nans=False) == 0 >>> assert safe_argmax([np.nan, -100], nans=False) == 1 >>> assert safe_argmax([-100, 0], nans=False) == 1 >>> assert np.isnan(safe_argmax([])) """ if len(arr) == 0: return fill extreme = safe_max(arr, fill=fill, finite=finite, nans=nans) if np.isnan(extreme): arg_extreme = np.where(np.isnan(arr))[0][0] else: arg_extreme = np.where(arr == extreme)[0][0] return arg_extreme
[docs] def safe_max(arr, fill=np.nan, finite=False, nans=True): r""" Args: arr (ndarray): 1d array to take max of fill (float): return type if arr has no elements (default = nan) finite (bool): if True ignores non-finite values (default = False) nans (bool): if False ignores nans (default = True) Example: >>> arrs = [[], [np.nan], [-np.inf, np.nan, np.inf], [np.inf], [np.inf, 1], [0, 1]] >>> arrs = [np.array(arr) for arr in arrs] >>> fill = np.nan >>> results1 = [safe_max(arr, fill, finite=False, nans=True) for arr in arrs] >>> results2 = [safe_max(arr, fill, finite=True, nans=True) for arr in arrs] >>> results3 = [safe_max(arr, fill, finite=True, nans=False) for arr in arrs] >>> results4 = [safe_max(arr, fill, finite=False, nans=False) for arr in arrs] >>> results = [results1, results2, results3, results4] >>> result = ('results = %s' % (ub.urepr(results, nl=1, sv=1),)) >>> print(result) results = [ [nan, nan, nan, inf, inf, 1], [nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.0, 1], [nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.0, 1], [nan, nan, inf, inf, inf, 1], ] """ return safe_extreme(arr, np.max, fill, finite, nans)
[docs] def safe_min(arr, fill=np.nan, finite=False, nans=True): """ Example: >>> arrs = [[], [np.nan], [-np.inf, np.nan, np.inf], [np.inf], [np.inf, 1], [0, 1]] >>> arrs = [np.array(arr) for arr in arrs] >>> fill = np.nan >>> results1 = [safe_min(arr, fill, finite=False, nans=True) for arr in arrs] >>> results2 = [safe_min(arr, fill, finite=True, nans=True) for arr in arrs] >>> results3 = [safe_min(arr, fill, finite=True, nans=False) for arr in arrs] >>> results4 = [safe_min(arr, fill, finite=False, nans=False) for arr in arrs] >>> results = [results1, results2, results3, results4] >>> result = ('results = %s' % (ub.urepr(results, nl=1, sv=1),)) >>> print(result) results = [ [nan, nan, nan, inf, 1.0, 0], [nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.0, 0], [nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.0, 0], [nan, nan, -inf, inf, 1.0, 0], ] """ return safe_extreme(arr, np.min, fill, finite, nans)
[docs] def stats_dict(list_, axis=None, use_nan=False, use_sum=False, use_median=False, size=False): """ Args: list_ (listlike): values to get statistics of axis (int): if `list_` is ndarray then this specifies the axis Returns: OrderedDict: stats: dictionary of common numpy statistics (min, max, mean, std, nMin, nMax, shape) Examples0: >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WHITESPACE >>> import numpy as np >>> axis = 0 >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> list_ = np.random.rand(10, 2).astype(np.float32) >>> stats = stats_dict(list_, axis, use_nan=False) >>> result = str(ub.urepr(stats, nl=1, precision=4, with_dtype=True)) >>> print(result) { 'mean': np.array([0.5206, 0.6425], dtype=np.float32), 'std': np.array([0.2854, 0.2517], dtype=np.float32), 'max': np.array([0.9637, 0.9256], dtype=np.float32), 'min': np.array([0.0202, 0.0871], dtype=np.float32), 'nMin': np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32), 'nMax': np.array([1, 1], dtype=np.int32), 'shape': (10, 2), } Examples1: >>> import numpy as np >>> axis = 0 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> list_ = rng.randint(0, 42, size=100).astype(np.float32) >>> list_[4] = np.nan >>> stats = stats_dict(list_, axis, use_nan=True) >>> result = str(ub.urepr(stats, precision=1, sk=True)) >>> print(result) {mean: 20.0, std: 13.2, max: 41.0, min: 0.0, nMin: 7, nMax: 3, shape: (100,), num_nan: 1,} """ datacast = np.float32 # Assure input is in numpy format if isinstance(list_, np.ndarray): nparr = list_ elif isinstance(list_, list): nparr = np.array(list_) else: nparr = np.array(list(list_)) # Check to make sure stats are feasible if len(nparr) == 0: stats = ub.odict([('empty_list', True)]) if size: stats['size'] = 0 else: if use_nan: min_val = np.nanmin(nparr, axis=axis) max_val = np.nanmax(nparr, axis=axis) mean_ = np.nanmean(nparr, axis=axis) std_ = np.nanstd(nparr, axis=axis) else: min_val = nparr.min(axis=axis) max_val = nparr.max(axis=axis) mean_ = nparr.mean(axis=axis) std_ = nparr.std(axis=axis) # number of entries with min/max val nMin = np.sum(nparr == min_val, axis=axis) nMax = np.sum(nparr == max_val, axis=axis) stats = ub.odict([ ('mean', datacast(mean_)), ('std', datacast(std_)), ('max', (max_val)), ('min', (min_val)), ('nMin', np.int32(nMin)), ('nMax', np.int32(nMax)), ]) if size: stats['size'] = nparr.size else: stats['shape'] = nparr.shape if use_median: stats['med'] = np.nanmedian(nparr) if use_nan: stats['num_nan'] = np.isnan(nparr).sum() if use_sum: sumfunc = np.nansum if use_nan else np.sum stats['sum'] = sumfunc(nparr, axis=axis) return stats