Source code for graphid.util.util_tags

import re
import operator
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub

[docs] def tag_hist(tags_list): return ub.dict_hist(ub.flatten(tags_list), ordered=True)
[docs] def build_alias_map(regex_map, tag_vocab): """ Constructs explicit mapping. Order of items in regex map matters. Items at top are given preference. """ from graphid import util alias_map = ub.odict([]) for pats, new_tag in reversed(regex_map): pats = util.ensure_iterable(pats) for pat in pats: flags = [re.match(pat, t) for t in tag_vocab] for old_tag in ub.compress(tag_vocab, flags): alias_map[old_tag] = new_tag identity_map = util.take_column(regex_map, 1) for tag in util.filter_Nones(identity_map): alias_map[tag] = tag return alias_map
[docs] def alias_tags(tags_list, alias_map): """ update tags to new values Args: tags_list (list): alias_map (list): list of 2-tuples with regex, value Returns: list: updated tags """ def _alias_dict(tags): tags_ = [alias_map.get(t, t) for t in tags] return list(set([t for t in tags_ if t is not None])) tags_list_ = [_alias_dict(tags) for tags in tags_list] return tags_list_
[docs] def filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_any=None, has_all=None, has_none=None, min_num=None, max_num=None, any_startswith=None, any_endswith=None, in_any=None, any_match=None, none_match=None, logic='and', ignore_case=True): r""" Args: tags_list (list): has_any (None): (default = None) has_all (None): (default = None) min_num (None): (default = None) max_num (None): (default = None) Notes: in_any should probably be ni_any Example1: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o'], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']] >>> has_all = 'n' >>> min_num = 1 >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num) >>> result = list(ub.compress(tags_list, flags)) >>> print('result = %r' % (result,)) Example2: >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o'], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']] >>> kwargs = { >>> 'any_endswith': 'n', >>> 'any_match': None, >>> 'any_startswith': 'n', >>> 'has_all': None, >>> 'has_any': None, >>> 'has_none': None, >>> 'max_num': 3, >>> 'min_num': 1, >>> 'none_match': ['P'], >>> } >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) >>> filtered = list(ub.compress(tags_list, flags)) >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ub.urepr(filtered, nl=0),)) >>> print(result) result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']] """ def _fix_tags(tags): if ignore_case: return set([]) if tags is None else {str(t.lower()) for t in tags} else: return set([]) if tags is None else {str() for t in tags} if logic is None: logic = 'and' logic_func = { 'and': np.logical_and, 'or': np.logical_or, }[logic] default_func = { 'and': np.ones, 'or': np.zeros, }[logic] tags_list_ = [_fix_tags(tags_) for tags_ in tags_list] flags = default_func(len(tags_list_), dtype=bool) if min_num is not None: flags_ = [len(tags_) >= min_num for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if max_num is not None: flags_ = [len(tags_) <= max_num for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_any is not None: from grpahid import util has_any = _fix_tags(set(util.ensure_iterable(has_any))) flags_ = [len(has_any.intersection(tags_)) > 0 for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_none is not None: from grpahid import util has_none = _fix_tags(set(util.ensure_iterable(has_none))) flags_ = [len(has_none.intersection(tags_)) == 0 for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_all is not None: from graphid import util has_all = _fix_tags(set(util.ensure_iterable(has_all))) flags_ = [len(has_all.intersection(tags_)) == len(has_all) for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) def _test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare): t_flags = [any([compare(t, f) for f in fields]) for t in tags_] num_passed = sum(t_flags) flag = op(num_passed, 0) return flag def _flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare): flags = [_test_item(tags_, fields, op, compare) for tags_ in tags_list_] return flags def _exec_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare): if fields is not None: from graphid import util fields = util.ensure_iterable(fields) if ignore_case: fields = [f.lower() for f in fields] flags_ = _flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare) logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) return flags flags = _exec_filter( flags, tags_list, any_startswith,, str.startswith) flags = _exec_filter( flags, tags_list, in_any,, operator.contains) flags = _exec_filter( flags, tags_list, any_endswith,, str.endswith) flags = _exec_filter( flags, tags_list, any_match,, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t)) flags = _exec_filter( flags, tags_list, none_match, operator.eq, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t)) return flags