Source code for graphid.util.mplutil

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import ubelt as ub
from itertools import zip_longest
from os.path import join, dirname
import warnings
import colorsys

[docs] def multi_plot(xdata=None, ydata=[], **kwargs): r""" plots multiple lines, bars, etc... This is the big function that implements almost all of the heavy lifting in this file. Any function not using this should probably find a way to use it. It is pretty general and relatively clean. Args: xdata (ndarray): can also be a list of arrays ydata (list or dict of ndarrays): can also be a single array **kwargs: Misc: fnum, pnum, use_legend, legend_loc Labels: xlabel, ylabel, title, figtitle ticksize, titlesize, legendsize, labelsize Grid: gridlinewidth, gridlinestyle Ticks: num_xticks, num_yticks, tickwidth, ticklength, ticksize Data: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, spread_list # can append _list to any of these # these can be dictionaries if ydata was also a dict plot_kw_keys = ['label', 'color', 'marker', 'markersize', 'markeredgewidth', 'linewidth', 'linestyle'] any plot_kw key can be a scalar (corresponding to all ydatas), a list if ydata was specified as a list, or a dict if ydata was specified as a dict. kind = ['bar', 'plot', ...] if kind='plot': spread if kind='bar': stacked, width References: Example: >>> xdata = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> ydata_list = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [5, 4, np.nan, 2, 1], [4, 3, np.nan, 1, 0]] >>> kwargs = {'label': ['spamΣ', 'eggs', 'jamµ', 'pram'], 'linestyle': '-'} >>> #fig = multi_plot(xdata, ydata_list, title='$\phi_1(\\vec{x})$', xlabel='\nfds', **kwargs) >>> fig = multi_plot(xdata, ydata_list, title='ΣΣΣµµµ', xlabel='\nfdsΣΣΣµµµ', **kwargs) >>> show_if_requested() Example: >>> fig1 = multi_plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) >>> fig2 = multi_plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], fnum=4) >>> show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt ydata_list = ydata if isinstance(ydata_list, dict): # Special case where ydata is a dictionary if isinstance(xdata, str): # Special-er case where xdata is specified in ydata xkey = xdata ykeys = set(ydata_list.keys()) - {xkey} xdata = ydata_list[xkey] else: ykeys = list(ydata_list.keys()) # Normalize input ydata_list = list(ub.take(ydata_list, ykeys)) kwargs['label_list'] = kwargs.get('label_list', ykeys) else: ykeys = None def is_listlike(data): flag = isinstance(data, (list, np.ndarray, tuple, pd.Series)) flag &= hasattr(data, '__getitem__') and hasattr(data, '__len__') return flag def is_list_of_scalars(data): if is_listlike(data): if len(data) > 0 and not is_listlike(data[0]): return True return False def is_list_of_lists(data): if is_listlike(data): if len(data) > 0 and is_listlike(data[0]): return True return False # allow ydata_list to be passed without a container if is_list_of_scalars(ydata_list): ydata_list = [np.array(ydata_list)] if xdata is None: xdata = list(range(len(ydata_list[0]))) num_lines = len(ydata_list) # Transform xdata into xdata_list if is_list_of_lists(xdata): xdata_list = [np.array(xd, copy=True) for xd in xdata] else: xdata_list = [np.array(xdata, copy=True)] * num_lines fnum = ensure_fnum(kwargs.get('fnum', None)) pnum = kwargs.get('pnum', None) kind = kwargs.get('kind', 'plot') transpose = kwargs.get('transpose', False) def parsekw_list(key, kwargs, num_lines=num_lines, ykeys=ykeys): """ copies relevant plot commands into plot_list_kw """ if key in kwargs: val_list = kwargs[key] elif key + '_list' in kwargs: warnings.warn('*_list is depricated, just use kwarg {}'.format(key)) val_list = kwargs[key + '_list'] elif key + 's' in kwargs: # hack, multiple ways to do something warnings.warn('*s depricated, just use kwarg {}'.format(key)) val_list = kwargs[key + 's'] else: val_list = None if val_list is not None: if isinstance(val_list, dict): if ykeys is None: raise ValueError('ydata is not a dict, but a property was.') else: val_list = [val_list[key] for key in ykeys] if not isinstance(val_list, list): val_list = [val_list] * num_lines return val_list # Parse out arguments to ax.plot plot_kw_keys = ['label', 'color', 'marker', 'markersize', 'markeredgewidth', 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'alpha'] # hackish / extra args that dont go to plot, but help extra_plot_kw_keys = ['spread_alpha', 'autolabel', 'edgecolor', 'fill'] plot_kw_keys += extra_plot_kw_keys plot_ks_vals = [parsekw_list(key, kwargs) for key in plot_kw_keys] plot_list_kw = dict([ (key, vals) for key, vals in zip(plot_kw_keys, plot_ks_vals) if vals is not None ]) if 'color' not in plot_list_kw: plot_list_kw['color'] = distinct_colors(num_lines) if kind == 'plot': if 'marker' not in plot_list_kw: plot_list_kw['marker'] = distinct_markers(num_lines) if 'spread_alpha' not in plot_list_kw: plot_list_kw['spread_alpha'] = [.2] * num_lines if kind == 'bar': # Remove non-bar kwargs for key in ['markeredgewidth', 'linewidth', 'marker', 'markersize', 'linestyle']: plot_list_kw.pop(key, None) stacked = kwargs.get('stacked', False) width_key = 'height' if transpose else 'width' if 'width_list' in kwargs: plot_list_kw[width_key] = kwargs['width_list'] else: width = kwargs.get('width', .9) # if width is None: # # HACK: need variable width # # width = np.mean(np.diff(xdata_list[0])) # width = .9 if not stacked: width /= num_lines #plot_list_kw['orientation'] = ['horizontal'] * num_lines plot_list_kw[width_key] = [width] * num_lines spread_list = kwargs.get('spread_list', None) if spread_list is None: pass # nest into a list of dicts for each line in the multiplot valid_keys = list(set(plot_list_kw.keys()) - set(extra_plot_kw_keys)) valid_vals = list(ub.take(plot_list_kw, valid_keys)) plot_kw_list = [dict(zip(valid_keys, vals)) for vals in zip(*valid_vals)] extra_kw_keys = [key for key in extra_plot_kw_keys if key in plot_list_kw] extra_kw_vals = list(ub.take(plot_list_kw, extra_kw_keys)) extra_kw_list = [dict(zip(extra_kw_keys, vals)) for vals in zip(*extra_kw_vals)] # Get passed in axes or setup a new figure ax = kwargs.get('ax', None) if ax is None: doclf = kwargs.get('doclf', False) fig = figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, docla=False, doclf=doclf) ax = plt.gca() else: fig = ax.figure # +--------------- # Draw plot lines ydata_list = np.array(ydata_list) if transpose: if kind == 'bar': plot_func = ax.barh elif kind == 'plot': def plot_func(_x, _y, **kw): return ax.plot(_y, _x, **kw) else: plot_func = getattr(ax, kind) # usually ax.plot assert len(ydata_list) > 0, 'no ydata' #assert len(extra_kw_list) == len(plot_kw_list), 'bad length' #assert len(extra_kw_list) == len(ydata_list), 'bad length' _iter = enumerate(zip_longest(xdata_list, ydata_list, plot_kw_list, extra_kw_list)) for count, (_xdata, _ydata, plot_kw, extra_kw) in _iter: ymask = np.isfinite(_ydata) ydata_ = _ydata.compress(ymask) xdata_ = _xdata.compress(ymask) if kind == 'bar': if stacked: # Plot bars on top of each other xdata_ = xdata_ else: # Plot bars side by side baseoffset = (width * num_lines) / 2 lineoffset = (width * count) offset = baseoffset - lineoffset # Fixeme for more histogram bars xdata_ = xdata_ - offset # width_key = 'height' if transpose else 'width' # plot_kw[width_key] = np.diff(xdata) objs = plot_func(xdata_, ydata_, **plot_kw) if kind == 'bar': if extra_kw is not None and 'edgecolor' in extra_kw: for rect in objs: rect.set_edgecolor(extra_kw['edgecolor']) if extra_kw is not None and extra_kw.get('autolabel', False): # FIXME: probably a more cannonical way to include bar # autolabeling with tranpose support, but this is a hack that # works for now for rect in objs: if transpose: numlbl = width = rect.get_width() xpos = width + ((_xdata.max() - _xdata.min()) * .005) ypos = rect.get_y() + rect.get_height() / 2. ha, va = 'left', 'center' else: numlbl = height = rect.get_height() xpos = rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2. ypos = 1.05 * height ha, va = 'center', 'bottom' barlbl = '%.3f' % (numlbl,) ax.text(xpos, ypos, barlbl, ha=ha, va=va) # print('extra_kw = %r' % (extra_kw,)) if kind == 'plot' and extra_kw.get('fill', False): ax.fill_between(_xdata, ydata_, alpha=plot_kw.get('alpha', 1.0), color=plot_kw.get('color', None)) # , zorder=0) if spread_list is not None: # Plots a spread around plot lines usually indicating standard # deviation _xdata = np.array(_xdata) spread = spread_list[count] ydata_ave = np.array(ydata_) y_data_dev = np.array(spread) y_data_max = ydata_ave + y_data_dev y_data_min = ydata_ave - y_data_dev ax = plt.gca() spread_alpha = extra_kw['spread_alpha'] ax.fill_between(_xdata, y_data_min, y_data_max, alpha=spread_alpha, color=plot_kw.get('color', None)) # , zorder=0) # L________________ #max_y = max(np.max(y_data), max_y) #min_y = np.min(y_data) if min_y is None else min(np.min(y_data), min_y) ydata = _ydata # HACK xdata = _xdata # HACK if transpose: #xdata_list = ydata_list ydata = xdata # Hack / Fix any transpose issues def transpose_key(key): if key.startswith('x'): return 'y' + key[1:] elif key.startswith('y'): return 'x' + key[1:] elif key.startswith('num_x'): # hackier, fixme to use regex or something return 'num_y' + key[5:] elif key.startswith('num_y'): # hackier, fixme to use regex or something return 'num_x' + key[5:] else: return key kwargs = {transpose_key(key): val for key, val in kwargs.items()} # Setup axes labeling title = kwargs.get('title', None) xlabel = kwargs.get('xlabel', '') ylabel = kwargs.get('ylabel', '') def none_or_unicode(text): return None if text is None else ub.ensure_unicode(text) xlabel = none_or_unicode(xlabel) ylabel = none_or_unicode(ylabel) title = none_or_unicode(title) # Initial integration with mpl rcParams standards mplrc = mpl.rcParams.copy() mplrc.update({ # 'legend.fontsize': custom_figure.LEGEND_SIZE, # 'axes.titlesize': custom_figure.TITLE_SIZE, # 'axes.labelsize': custom_figure.LABEL_SIZE, # 'legend.facecolor': 'w', # '': 'sans-serif', # 'xtick.labelsize': custom_figure.TICK_SIZE, # 'ytick.labelsize': custom_figure.TICK_SIZE, }) mplrc.update(kwargs.get('rcParams', {})) titlesize = kwargs.get('titlesize', mplrc['axes.titlesize']) labelsize = kwargs.get('labelsize', mplrc['axes.labelsize']) legendsize = kwargs.get('legendsize', mplrc['legend.fontsize']) xticksize = kwargs.get('ticksize', mplrc['xtick.labelsize']) yticksize = kwargs.get('ticksize', mplrc['ytick.labelsize']) family = kwargs.get('fontfamily', mplrc['']) tickformat = kwargs.get('tickformat', None) ytickformat = kwargs.get('ytickformat', tickformat) xtickformat = kwargs.get('xtickformat', tickformat) # 'DejaVu Sans','Verdana', 'Arial' weight = kwargs.get('fontweight', None) if weight is None: weight = 'normal' labelkw = { 'fontproperties': mpl.font_manager.FontProperties( weight=weight, family=family, size=labelsize) } ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, **labelkw) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, **labelkw) tick_fontprop = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(family=family, weight=weight) if tick_fontprop is not None: for ticklabel in ax.get_xticklabels(): ticklabel.set_fontproperties(tick_fontprop) for ticklabel in ax.get_yticklabels(): ticklabel.set_fontproperties(tick_fontprop) if xticksize is not None: for ticklabel in ax.get_xticklabels(): ticklabel.set_fontsize(xticksize) if yticksize is not None: for ticklabel in ax.get_yticklabels(): ticklabel.set_fontsize(yticksize) if xtickformat is not None: # mpl.ticker.StrMethodFormatter # newstyle # mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter # oldstyle ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter(xtickformat)) if ytickformat is not None: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter(ytickformat)) xtick_kw = ytick_kw = { 'width': kwargs.get('tickwidth', None), 'length': kwargs.get('ticklength', None), } xtick_kw = {k: v for k, v in xtick_kw.items() if v is not None} ytick_kw = {k: v for k, v in ytick_kw.items() if v is not None} ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(**xtick_kw) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(**ytick_kw) #ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) # Setup axes limits if 'xlim' in kwargs: xlim = kwargs['xlim'] if xlim is not None: if 'xmin' not in kwargs and 'xmax' not in kwargs: kwargs['xmin'] = xlim[0] kwargs['xmax'] = xlim[1] else: raise ValueError('use xmax, xmin instead of xlim') if 'ylim' in kwargs: ylim = kwargs['ylim'] if ylim is not None: if 'ymin' not in kwargs and 'ymax' not in kwargs: kwargs['ymin'] = ylim[0] kwargs['ymax'] = ylim[1] else: raise ValueError('use ymax, ymin instead of ylim') xmin = kwargs.get('xmin', ax.get_xlim()[0]) xmax = kwargs.get('xmax', ax.get_xlim()[1]) ymin = kwargs.get('ymin', ax.get_ylim()[0]) ymax = kwargs.get('ymax', ax.get_ylim()[1]) text_type = str if text_type(xmax) == 'data': xmax = max([xd.max() for xd in xdata_list]) if text_type(xmin) == 'data': xmin = min([xd.min() for xd in xdata_list]) # Setup axes ticks num_xticks = kwargs.get('num_xticks', None) num_yticks = kwargs.get('num_yticks', None) if num_xticks is not None: # TODO check if xdata is integral if xdata.dtype.kind == 'i': xticks = np.linspace(np.ceil(xmin), np.floor(xmax), num_xticks).astype(np.int32) else: xticks = np.linspace((xmin), (xmax), num_xticks) ax.set_xticks(xticks) if num_yticks is not None: if ydata.dtype.kind == 'i': yticks = np.linspace(np.ceil(ymin), np.floor(ymax), num_yticks).astype(np.int32) else: yticks = np.linspace((ymin), (ymax), num_yticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks) force_xticks = kwargs.get('force_xticks', None) if force_xticks is not None: xticks = np.array(sorted(ax.get_xticks().tolist() + force_xticks)) ax.set_xticks(xticks) yticklabels = kwargs.get('yticklabels', None) if yticklabels is not None: # Hack ONLY WORKS WHEN TRANSPOSE = True # Overrides num_yticks ax.set_yticks(ydata) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) xticklabels = kwargs.get('xticklabels', None) if xticklabels is not None: # Overrides num_xticks ax.set_xticks(xdata) ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) xtick_rotation = kwargs.get('xtick_rotation', None) if xtick_rotation is not None: [lbl.set_rotation(xtick_rotation) for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels()] ytick_rotation = kwargs.get('ytick_rotation', None) if ytick_rotation is not None: [lbl.set_rotation(ytick_rotation) for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels()] # Axis padding xpad = kwargs.get('xpad', None) ypad = kwargs.get('ypad', None) xpad_factor = kwargs.get('xpad_factor', None) ypad_factor = kwargs.get('ypad_factor', None) if xpad is None and xpad_factor is not None: xpad = (xmax - xmin) * xpad_factor if ypad is None and ypad_factor is not None: ypad = (ymax - ymin) * ypad_factor xpad = 0 if xpad is None else xpad ypad = 0 if ypad is None else ypad ypad_high = kwargs.get('ypad_high', ypad) ypad_low = kwargs.get('ypad_low', ypad) xpad_high = kwargs.get('xpad_high', xpad) xpad_low = kwargs.get('xpad_low', xpad) xmin, xmax = (xmin - xpad_low), (xmax + xpad_high) ymin, ymax = (ymin - ypad_low), (ymax + ypad_high) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) xscale = kwargs.get('xscale', None) yscale = kwargs.get('yscale', None) if yscale is not None: ax.set_yscale(yscale) if xscale is not None: ax.set_xscale(xscale) gridlinestyle = kwargs.get('gridlinestyle', None) gridlinewidth = kwargs.get('gridlinewidth', None) gridlines = ax.get_xgridlines() + ax.get_ygridlines() if gridlinestyle: for line in gridlines: line.set_linestyle(gridlinestyle) if gridlinewidth: for line in gridlines: line.set_linewidth(gridlinewidth) # Setup title if title is not None: titlekw = { 'fontproperties': mpl.font_manager.FontProperties( family=family, weight=weight, size=titlesize) } ax.set_title(title, **titlekw) use_legend = kwargs.get('use_legend', 'label' in valid_keys) legend_loc = kwargs.get('legend_loc', 'best') legend_alpha = kwargs.get('legend_alpha', 1.0) if use_legend: legendkw = { 'alpha': legend_alpha, 'fontproperties': mpl.font_manager.FontProperties( family=family, weight=weight, size=legendsize) } legend(loc=legend_loc, ax=ax, **legendkw) figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', None) if figtitle is not None: set_figtitle(figtitle, fontfamily=family, fontweight=weight, size=kwargs.get('figtitlesize')) use_darkbackground = kwargs.get('use_darkbackground', None) lightbg = kwargs.get('lightbg', None) if lightbg is None: lightbg = True if use_darkbackground is None: use_darkbackground = not lightbg if use_darkbackground: _dark_background(force=use_darkbackground is True) # TODO: return better info return fig
[docs] def figure(fnum=None, pnum=(1, 1, 1), title=None, figtitle=None, doclf=False, docla=False, projection=None, **kwargs): """ Args: fnum (int): fignum = figure number pnum (int, str, or tuple(int, int, int)): plotnum = plot tuple title (str): (default = None) figtitle (None): (default = None) docla (bool): (default = False) doclf (bool): (default = False) Returns: mpl.Figure: fig Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fnum = 1 >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 1)) >>> plt.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax1", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 2)) >>> plt.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax2", va="center", ha="center") >>> show_if_requested() Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> fnum = 1 >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 1)) >>> plt.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax1", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 2, 2)) >>> plt.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax2", va="center", ha="center") >>> fig = figure(fnum, (2, 4, (1, slice(1, None)))) >>> plt.gca().text(0.5, 0.5, "ax3", va="center", ha="center") >>> show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec def ensure_fig(fnum=None): if fnum is None: try: fig = plt.gcf() except Exception as ex: fig = plt.figure() else: try: fig = plt.figure(fnum) except Exception as ex: fig = plt.gcf() return fig def _convert_pnum_int_to_tup(int_pnum): # Convert pnum to tuple format if in integer format nr = int_pnum // 100 nc = int_pnum // 10 - (nr * 10) px = int_pnum - (nr * 100) - (nc * 10) pnum = (nr, nc, px) return pnum def _pnum_to_subspec(pnum): if isinstance(pnum, str): pnum = list(pnum) nrow, ncols, plotnum = pnum # if kwargs.get('use_gridspec', True): # Convert old pnums to gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrow, ncols) if isinstance(plotnum, (tuple, slice, list)): subspec = gs[plotnum] else: subspec = gs[plotnum - 1] return (subspec,) def _setup_subfigure(pnum): if isinstance(pnum, int): pnum = _convert_pnum_int_to_tup(pnum) axes_list = fig.get_axes() if docla or len(axes_list) == 0: if pnum is not None: assert pnum[0] > 0, 'nRows must be > 0: pnum=%r' % (pnum,) assert pnum[1] > 0, 'nCols must be > 0: pnum=%r' % (pnum,) subspec = _pnum_to_subspec(pnum) ax = fig.add_subplot(*subspec, projection=projection) if len(axes_list) > 0: ax.cla() else: ax = plt.gca() else: if pnum is not None: subspec = _pnum_to_subspec(pnum) ax = plt.subplot(*subspec) else: ax = plt.gca() fig = ensure_fig(fnum) if doclf: fig.clf() if pnum is not None: _setup_subfigure(pnum) # Set the title / figtitle if title is not None: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_title(title) if figtitle is not None: fig.suptitle(figtitle) return fig
[docs] def pandas_plot_matrix(df, rot=90, ax=None, grid=True, label=None, zerodiag=False, cmap='viridis', showvals=False, logscale=True): import matplotlib as mpl import copy from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig = figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 1, 1)) fig.clear() ax = plt.gca() ax = plt.gca() values = df.values if zerodiag: values = values.copy() values = values - np.diag(np.diag(values)) # aximg = ax.imshow(values, interpolation='none', cmap='viridis') if logscale: from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm vmin = df[df > 0].min().min() norm = LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=values.max()) else: norm = None cmap = copy.copy( # copy the default cmap cmap.set_bad((0, 0, 0)) aximg = ax.matshow(values, interpolation='none', cmap=cmap, norm=norm) # aximg = ax.imshow(values, interpolation='none', cmap='viridis', norm=norm) # ax.imshow(values, interpolation='none', cmap='viridis') ax.grid(False) cax = plt.colorbar(aximg, ax=ax) if label is not None: cax.set_label(label) ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(df.index)))) ax.set_xticklabels([lbl[0:100] for lbl in df.index]) for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels(): lbl.set_rotation(rot) for lbl in ax.get_xticklabels(): lbl.set_horizontalalignment('center') ax.set_yticks(list(range(len(df.columns)))) ax.set_yticklabels([lbl[0:100] for lbl in df.columns]) for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels(): lbl.set_horizontalalignment('right') for lbl in ax.get_yticklabels(): lbl.set_verticalalignment('center') # Grid lines around the pixels if grid: offset = -.5 xlim = [-.5, len(df.columns)] ylim = [-.5, len(df.index)] segments = [] for x in range(ylim[1]): xdata = [x + offset, x + offset] ydata = ylim segment = list(zip(xdata, ydata)) segments.append(segment) for y in range(xlim[1]): xdata = xlim ydata = [y + offset, y + offset] segment = list(zip(xdata, ydata)) segments.append(segment) bingrid = mpl.collections.LineCollection(segments, color='w', linewidths=1) ax.add_collection(bingrid) if showvals: x_basis = np.arange(len(df.columns)) y_basis = np.arange(len(df.index)) x, y = np.meshgrid(x_basis, y_basis) for c, r in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()): val = df.iloc[r, c] ax.text(c, r, val, va='center', ha='center', color='white') return ax
[docs] def axes_extent(axs, pad=0.0): """ Get the full extent of a group of axes, including axes labels, tick labels, and titles. """ import itertools as it import matplotlib as mpl def axes_parts(ax): yield ax for label in ax.get_xticklabels(): if label.get_text(): yield label for label in ax.get_yticklabels(): if label.get_text(): yield label xlabel = ax.get_xaxis().get_label() ylabel = ax.get_yaxis().get_label() for label in (xlabel, ylabel, ax.title): if label.get_text(): yield label items = it.chain.from_iterable(axes_parts(ax) for ax in axs) extents = [item.get_window_extent() for item in items] #mpl.transforms.Affine2D().scale(1.1) extent = mpl.transforms.Bbox.union(extents) extent = extent.expanded(1.0 + pad, 1.0 + pad) return extent
[docs] def extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=False, pad=0.0): # Make sure we draw the axes first so we can # extract positions from the text objects import matplotlib as mpl fig.canvas.draw() # Group axes that belong together atomic_axes = [] seen_ = set([]) for ax in fig.axes: if ax not in seen_: atomic_axes.append([ax]) seen_.add(ax) dpi_scale_trans_inv = fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted() axes_bboxes_ = [axes_extent(axs, pad) for axs in atomic_axes] axes_extents_ = [extent.transformed(dpi_scale_trans_inv) for extent in axes_bboxes_] # axes_extents_ = axes_bboxes_ if combine: # Grab include extents of figure text as well # FIXME: This might break on OSX # renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() for mpl_text in fig.texts: bbox = mpl_text.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) extent_ = bbox.expanded(1.0 + pad, 1.0 + pad) extent = extent_.transformed(dpi_scale_trans_inv) # extent = extent_ axes_extents_.append(extent) axes_extents = mpl.transforms.Bbox.union(axes_extents_) else: axes_extents = axes_extents_ # if True: # axes_extents.x0 = 0 # # axes_extents.y1 = 0 return axes_extents
[docs] def adjust_subplots(left=None, right=None, bottom=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None, fig=None): """ Kwargs: left (float): left side of the subplots of the figure right (float): right side of the subplots of the figure bottom (float): bottom of the subplots of the figure top (float): top of the subplots of the figure wspace (float): width reserved for blank space between subplots hspace (float): height reserved for blank space between subplots """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt kwargs = dict(left=left, right=right, bottom=bottom, top=top, wspace=wspace, hspace=hspace) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() subplotpars = fig.subplotpars adjust_dict = subplotpars.__dict__.copy() del adjust_dict['validate'] adjust_dict.update(kwargs) fig.subplots_adjust(**adjust_dict)
[docs] def dict_intersection(dict1, dict2): r""" Key AND Value based dictionary intersection Args: dict1 (dict): dict2 (dict): Returns: dict: mergedict_ Example: >>> dict1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4} >>> dict2 = {'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 5, 'e': 21, 'f': 42} >>> mergedict_ = dict_intersection(dict1, dict2) >>> print(ub.urepr(mergedict_, nl=0, sort=1)) {'b': 2, 'c': 3} """ isect_keys = set(dict1.keys()).intersection(set(dict2.keys())) # maintain order if possible if isinstance(dict1, ub.odict): isect_keys_ = [k for k in dict1.keys() if k in isect_keys] _dict_cls = ub.odict else: isect_keys_ = isect_keys _dict_cls = dict dict_isect = _dict_cls( (k, dict1[k]) for k in isect_keys_ if dict1[k] == dict2[k] ) return dict_isect
[docs] def _dark_background(ax=None, doubleit=False, force=False): r""" Args: ax (None): (default = None) doubleit (bool): (default = False) CommandLine: python -m .draw_func2 --exec-_dark_background --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> fig = figure() >>> _dark_background() >>> show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def is_using_style(style): style_dict =[style] return len(dict_intersection(style_dict, mpl.rcParams)) == len(style_dict) if force: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D BLACK = np.array(( 0, 0, 0, 255)) / 255.0 # Should use mpl style dark background instead bgcolor = BLACK * .9 if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if isinstance(ax, Axes3D): ax.set_axis_bgcolor(bgcolor) ax.tick_params(colors='white') return xy, width, height = _get_axis_xy_width_height(ax) if doubleit: halfw = (doubleit) * (width / 2) halfh = (doubleit) * (height / 2) xy = (xy[0] - halfw, xy[1] - halfh) width *= (doubleit + 1) height *= (doubleit + 1) rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, lw=0, zorder=0) rect.set_clip_on(True) rect.set_fill(True) rect.set_color(bgcolor) rect.set_zorder(-99999999999) rect = ax.add_patch(rect)
[docs] def _get_axis_xy_width_height(ax=None, xaug=0, yaug=0, waug=0, haug=0): """ gets geometry of a subplot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() autoAxis = ax.axis() xy = (autoAxis[0] + xaug, autoAxis[2] + yaug) width = (autoAxis[1] - autoAxis[0]) + waug height = (autoAxis[3] - autoAxis[2]) + haug return xy, width, height
_LEGEND_LOCATION = { 'upper right': 1, 'upper left': 2, 'lower left': 3, 'lower right': 4, 'right': 5, 'center left': 6, 'center right': 7, 'lower center': 8, 'upper center': 9, 'center': 10, }
[docs] def set_figtitle(figtitle, subtitle='', forcefignum=True, incanvas=True, size=None, fontfamily=None, fontweight=None, fig=None): r""" Args: figtitle (?): subtitle (str): (default = '') forcefignum (bool): (default = True) incanvas (bool): (default = True) fontfamily (None): (default = None) fontweight (None): (default = None) size (None): (default = None) fig (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m .custom_figure set_figtitle --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> fig = figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> result = set_figtitle(figtitle='figtitle', fig=fig) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if figtitle is None: figtitle = '' if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() figtitle = ub.ensure_unicode(figtitle) subtitle = ub.ensure_unicode(subtitle) if incanvas: if subtitle != '': subtitle = '\n' + subtitle prop = { 'family': fontfamily, 'weight': fontweight, 'size': size, } prop = {k: v for k, v in prop.items() if v is not None} sup = fig.suptitle(figtitle + subtitle) if prop: fontproperties = sup.get_fontproperties().copy() for key, val in prop.items(): getattr(fontproperties, 'set_' + key)(val) sup.set_fontproperties(fontproperties) # fontproperties = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(**prop) else: fig.suptitle('') # Set title in the window window_figtitle = ('fig(%d) ' % fig.number) + figtitle window_figtitle = window_figtitle.replace('\n', ' ') fig.canvas.set_window_title(window_figtitle)
[docs] def legend(loc='best', fontproperties=None, size=None, fc='w', alpha=1, ax=None, handles=None): r""" Args: loc (str): (default = 'best') fontproperties (None): (default = None) size (None): (default = None) Ignore: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> loc = 'best' >>> xdata = np.linspace(-6, 6) >>> ydata = np.sin(xdata) >>> plt.plot(xdata, ydata, label='sin') >>> fontproperties = None >>> size = None >>> result = legend(loc, fontproperties, size) >>> print(result) >>> show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt assert loc in _LEGEND_LOCATION or loc == 'best', ( 'invalid loc. try one of %r' % (_LEGEND_LOCATION,)) if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if fontproperties is None: prop = {} if size is not None: prop['size'] = size # prop['weight'] = 'normal' # prop['family'] = 'sans-serif' else: prop = fontproperties legendkw = dict(loc=loc) if prop: legendkw['prop'] = prop if handles is not None: legendkw['handles'] = handles legend = ax.legend(**legendkw) if legend: legend.get_frame().set_fc(fc) legend.get_frame().set_alpha(alpha)
[docs] def distinct_colors(N, brightness=.878, randomize=True, hue_range=(0.0, 1.0), cmap_seed=None): r""" Args: N (int): brightness (float): Returns: list: RGB_tuples CommandLine: python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 2 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 3 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 4 --show --hue-range=0.05,.95 python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 3 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 4 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 6 --show --no-randomize python -m .color_funcs --test-distinct_colors --N 20 --show References: """ # TODO: Add sin wave modulation to the sat and value # HACK for white figures from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import colorsys remove_yellow = True use_jet = False if use_jet: cmap = RGB_tuples = list(map(tuple, cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, N)))) elif cmap_seed is not None: # Randomized map based on a seed #cmap_ = 'Set1' #cmap_ = 'Dark2' choices = [ #'Set1', 'Dark2', 'jet', #'gist_rainbow', #'rainbow', #'gnuplot', #'Accent' ] cmap_hack = ub.argval('--cmap-hack', default=None) ncolor_hack = ub.argval('--ncolor-hack', default=None) if cmap_hack is not None: choices = [cmap_hack] if ncolor_hack is not None: N = int(ncolor_hack) N_ = N seed = sum(list(map(ord, ub.hash_data(cmap_seed)))) rng = np.random.RandomState(seed + 48930) cmap_str = rng.choice(choices, 1)[0] #print('cmap_str = %r' % (cmap_str,)) cmap = #.hashstr27(cmap_seed) #cmap_seed = 0 #pass jitter = (rng.randn(N) / (rng.randn(100).max() / 2)).clip(-1, 1) * ((1 / (N ** 2))) range_ = np.linspace(0, 1, N, endpoint=False) #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) range_ = range_ + jitter #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) while not (np.all(range_ >= 0) and np.all(range_ <= 1)): range_[range_ < 0] = np.abs(range_[range_ < 0] ) range_[range_ > 1] = 2 - range_[range_ > 1] #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) shift = rng.rand() range_ = (range_ + shift) % 1 #print('jitter = %r' % (jitter,)) #print('shift = %r' % (shift,)) #print('range_ = %r' % (range_,)) if ncolor_hack is not None: range_ = range_[0:N_] RGB_tuples = list(map(tuple, cmap(range_))) else: sat = brightness val = brightness hmin, hmax = hue_range if remove_yellow: hue_skips = [(.13, .24)] else: hue_skips = [] hue_skip_ranges = [_[1] - _[0] for _ in hue_skips] total_skip = sum(hue_skip_ranges) hmax_ = hmax - total_skip hue_list = np.linspace(hmin, hmax_, N, endpoint=False, dtype=float) # Remove colors (like hard to see yellows) in specified ranges for skip, range_ in zip(hue_skips, hue_skip_ranges): hue_list = [hue if hue <= skip[0] else hue + range_ for hue in hue_list] HSV_tuples = [(hue, sat, val) for hue in hue_list] RGB_tuples = [colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*x) for x in HSV_tuples] if randomize: deterministic_shuffle(RGB_tuples) return RGB_tuples
[docs] def distinct_markers(num, style='astrisk', total=None, offset=0): r""" Args: num (?): """ num_sides = 3 style_num = { 'astrisk': 2, 'star': 1, 'polygon': 0, 'circle': 3 }[style] if total is None: total = num total_degrees = 360 / num_sides marker_list = [ (num_sides, style_num, total_degrees * (count + offset) / total) for count in range(num) ] return marker_list
[docs] def deterministic_shuffle(list_, rng=0): r""" Args: list_ (list): seed (int): Returns: list: list_ Example: >>> list_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> seed = 1 >>> list_ = deterministic_shuffle(list_, seed) >>> result = str(list_) >>> print(result) [3, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6] """ from graphid import util rng = util.ensure_rng(rng) rng.shuffle(list_) return list_
_BASE_FNUM = 9001
[docs] def next_fnum(new_base=None): global _BASE_FNUM if new_base is not None: _BASE_FNUM = new_base _BASE_FNUM += 1 return _BASE_FNUM
[docs] def ensure_fnum(fnum): if fnum is None: return next_fnum() return fnum
[docs] def _save_requested(fpath_, save_parts): raise NotImplementedError('havent done this yet') # dpi = ub.argval('--dpi', type_=int, default=200) from os.path import expanduser from matplotlib import pyplot as plt dpi = 200 fpath_ = expanduser(fpath_) print('Figure save was requested') arg_dict = {} # HACK arg_dict = { key: (val[0] if len(val) == 1 else '[' + ']['.join(val) + ']') if isinstance(val, list) else val for key, val in arg_dict.items() } fpath_ = fpath_.format(**arg_dict) fpath_ = fpath_.replace(' ', '').replace('\'', '').replace('"', '') dpath = ub.argval('--dpath', type_=str, default=None) if dpath is None: gotdpath = False dpath = '.' else: gotdpath = True fpath = join(dpath, fpath_) if not gotdpath: dpath = dirname(fpath_) print('dpath = %r' % (dpath,)) fig = plt.gcf() fig.dpi = dpi fpath_strict = ub.truepath(fpath) CLIP_WHITE = ub.argflag('--clipwhite') from graphid import util if save_parts: # TODO: call save_parts instead, but we still need to do the # special grouping. # Group axes that belong together atomic_axes = [] seen_ = set([]) for ax in fig.axes: div = _get_plotdat(ax, _DF2_DIVIDER_KEY, None) if div is not None: df2_div_axes = _get_plotdat_dict(ax).get('df2_div_axes', []) seen_.add(ax) seen_.update(set(df2_div_axes)) atomic_axes.append([ax] + df2_div_axes) # TODO: pad these a bit else: if ax not in seen_: atomic_axes.append([ax]) seen_.add(ax) hack_axes_group_row = ub.argflag('--grouprows') if hack_axes_group_row: groupid_list = [] for axs in atomic_axes: for ax in axs: groupid = ax.colNum groupid_list.append(groupid) groups = ub.group_items(atomic_axes, groupid_list) new_groups = list(map(ub.flatten, groups.values())) atomic_axes = new_groups #[[(ax.rowNum, ax.colNum) for ax in axs] for axs in atomic_axes] # save all rows of each column subpath_list = save_parts(fig=fig, fpath=fpath_strict, grouped_axes=atomic_axes, dpi=dpi) absfpath_ = subpath_list[-1] if CLIP_WHITE: for subpath in subpath_list: # remove white borders util.clipwhite_ondisk(subpath, subpath) else: savekw = {} # savekw['transparent'] = fpath.endswith('.png') and not noalpha savekw['transparent'] = ub.argflag('--alpha') savekw['dpi'] = dpi savekw['edgecolor'] = 'none' savekw['bbox_inches'] = extract_axes_extents(fig, combine=True) # replaces need for clipwhite absfpath_ = ub.truepath(fpath) fig.savefig(absfpath_, **savekw) if CLIP_WHITE: # remove white borders fpath_in = fpath_out = absfpath_ util.clipwhite_ondisk(fpath_in, fpath_out) if ub.argflag(('--diskshow', '--ds')): # show what we wrote ub.startfile(absfpath_)
[docs] def show_if_requested(N=1): """ Used at the end of tests. Handles command line arguments for saving figures Referencse: """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt save_parts = ub.argflag('--saveparts') fpath_ = ub.argval('--save', default=None) if fpath_ is None: fpath_ = ub.argval('--saveparts', default=None) save_parts = True if fpath_ is not None: _save_requested(fpath_, save_parts) # elif ub.argflag('--cmd'): # pass if ub.argflag('--show'):
[docs] def save_parts(fig, fpath, grouped_axes=None, dpi=None): """ FIXME: this works in mpl 2.0.0, but not 2.0.2 Args: fig (?): fpath (str): file path string dpi (None): (default = None) Returns: list: subpaths CommandLine: python -m draw_func2 save_parts Ignore: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> def testimg(fname): >>> return plt.imread(mpl.cbook.get_sample_data(fname)) >>> fnames = ['grace_hopper.png', 'ada.png'] * 4 >>> fig = plt.figure(1) >>> for c, fname in enumerate(fnames, start=1): >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 4, c) >>> ax.imshow(testimg(fname)) >>> ax.set_title(fname[0:3] + str(c)) >>> ax.set_xticks([]) >>> ax.set_yticks([]) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(3, 1, 3) >>> ax.plot(np.sin(np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2))) >>> ax.set_xlabel('xlabel') >>> ax.set_ylabel('ylabel') >>> ax.set_title('title') >>> fpath = 'test_save_parts.png' >>> adjust_subplots(fig=fig, wspace=.3, hspace=.3, top=.9) >>> subpaths = save_parts(fig, fpath, dpi=300) >>> fig.savefig(fpath) >>> ub.startfile(subpaths[0]) >>> ub.startfile(fpath) """ if dpi: # Need to set figure dpi before we draw fig.dpi = dpi # We need to draw the figure before calling get_window_extent # (or we can figure out how to set the renderer object) # if getattr(fig.canvas, 'renderer', None) is None: fig.canvas.draw() # Group axes that belong together if grouped_axes is None: grouped_axes = [] for ax in fig.axes: grouped_axes.append([ax]) subpaths = [] _iter = enumerate(grouped_axes, start=0) _iter = ub.ProgIter(list(_iter), label='save subfig') for count, axs in _iter: subpath = ub.augpath(fpath, suffix=chr(count + 65)) extent = axes_extent(axs).transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) savekw = {} savekw['transparent'] = ub.argflag('--alpha') if dpi is not None: savekw['dpi'] = dpi savekw['edgecolor'] = 'none' fig.savefig(subpath, bbox_inches=extent, **savekw) subpaths.append(subpath) return subpaths
_qtensured = False
[docs] def qtensure(): global _qtensured try: __IPYTHON__ except NameError: return False else: import sys import IPython ipython = IPython.get_ipython() if ipython is None: # we must have exited ipython at some point return # import matplotlib as mpl if 'PyQt4' in sys.modules: #IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4') # if not mpl.get_backend().startswith('Qt4'): if not _qtensured: ipython.magic('pylab qt4 --no-import-all') _qtensured = True else: # if gt.__PYQT__.GUITOOL_PYQT_VERSION == 5: # if not mpl.get_backend().startswith('Qt5'): if not _qtensured: ipython.magic('pylab qt5 --no-import-all') _qtensured = True
[docs] def imshow(img, fnum=None, title=None, figtitle=None, pnum=None, interpolation='nearest', cmap=None, heatmap=False, data_colorbar=False, xlabel=None, redraw_image=True, colorspace='bgr', ax=None, alpha=None, norm=None, **kwargs): r""" Args: img (ndarray): image data fnum (int): figure number colorspace (str): if the data is 3-4 channels, this indicates the colorspace 1 channel data is assumed grayscale. 4 channels assumes alpha. title (str): figtitle (None): pnum (tuple): plot number interpolation (str): other interpolations = nearest, bicubic, bilinear cmap (None): heatmap (bool): data_colorbar (bool): darken (None): redraw_image (bool): used when calling imshow over and over. if false doesnt do the image part. Returns: tuple: (fig, ax) Kwargs: docla, doclf, projection Returns: tuple: (fig, ax) """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is not None: fig = ax.figure nospecial = True else: fig = figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, title=title, figtitle=figtitle, **kwargs) ax = plt.gca() nospecial = False #ax.set_xticks([]) #ax.set_yticks([]) #return fig, ax if not redraw_image: return fig, ax if isinstance(img, str): # Allow for path to image to be specified from graphid import util img_fpath = img img = util.imread(img_fpath) plt_imshow_kwargs = { 'interpolation': interpolation, #'cmap': plt.get_cmap('gray'), } if alpha is not None: plt_imshow_kwargs['alpha'] = alpha if norm is not None: if norm is True: norm = mpl.colors.Normalize() plt_imshow_kwargs['norm'] = norm else: if cmap is None and not heatmap and not nospecial: plt_imshow_kwargs['vmin'] = 0 plt_imshow_kwargs['vmax'] = 255 if heatmap: cmap = 'hot' # Handle tensor chw format in most cases if img.ndim == 3: if img.shape[0] == 3 or img.shape[0] == 1: if img.shape[2] > 4: # probably in chw format img = img.transpose(1, 2, 0) try: if len(img.shape) == 3 and (img.shape[2] == 3 or img.shape[2] == 4): # img is in a color format from graphid import util dst_space = 'rgb' if img.shape[2] == 4: colorspace += 'a' dst_space += 'a' imgRGB = util.convert_colorspace(img, dst_space=dst_space, src_space=colorspace) if imgRGB.dtype.kind == 'f': maxval = imgRGB.max() if maxval > 1.01 and maxval < 256: imgRGB = np.array(imgRGB, dtype=np.uint8) ax.imshow(imgRGB, **plt_imshow_kwargs) elif len(img.shape) == 2 or (len(img.shape) == 3 and img.shape[2] == 1): # img is in grayscale if len(img.shape) == 3: imgGRAY = img.reshape(img.shape[0:2]) else: imgGRAY = img if cmap is None: cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray') if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) # for some reason gray floats aren't working right if imgGRAY.max() <= 1.01 and imgGRAY.min() >= -1E-9: imgGRAY = (imgGRAY * 255).astype(np.uint8) ax.imshow(imgGRAY, cmap=cmap, **plt_imshow_kwargs) else: raise AssertionError( 'unknown image format. img.dtype=%r, img.shape=%r' % (img.dtype, img.shape)) except TypeError as te: print('[df2] imshow ERROR %r' % (te,)) raise except Exception as ex: print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!') print('[df2] type(img) = %r' % type(img)) if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray): print('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERRROR!!!!!!!!!!!') pass #print('img = %r' % (img,)) print('[df2] img.dtype = %r' % (img.dtype,)) print('[df2] type(img) = %r' % (type(img),)) print('[df2] img.shape = %r' % (img.shape,)) print('[df2] imshow ERROR %r' % ex) raise #plt.set_cmap('gray') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if data_colorbar is True: scores = np.unique(img.flatten()) if cmap is None: cmap = 'hot' colors = scores_to_color(scores, cmap) colorbar(scores, colors) if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if figtitle is not None: set_figtitle(figtitle) return fig, ax
[docs] def colorbar(scalars, colors, custom=False, lbl=None, ticklabels=None, float_format='%.2f', **kwargs): """ adds a color bar next to the axes based on specific scalars Args: scalars (ndarray): colors (ndarray): custom (bool): use custom ticks Kwargs: See plt.colorbar Returns: cb : matplotlib colorbar object Ignore: >>> scalars = np.array([-1, -2, 1, 1, 2, 7, 10]) >>> cmap_ = 'plasma' >>> logscale = False >>> custom = True >>> reverse_cmap = True >>> val2_customcolor = { ... -1: UNKNOWN_PURP, ... -2: LIGHT_BLUE, ... } >>> colors = scores_to_color(scalars, cmap_=cmap_, logscale=logscale, reverse_cmap=reverse_cmap, val2_customcolor=val2_customcolor) >>> colorbar(scalars, colors, custom=custom) >>> df2.present() >>> show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> scalars = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) >>> cmap_ = 'plasma' >>> logscale = False >>> custom = False >>> reverse_cmap = False >>> colors = scores_to_color(scalars, cmap_=cmap_, logscale=logscale, >>> reverse_cmap=reverse_cmap) >>> colors = [lighten_rgb(c, .3) for c in colors] >>> colorbar(scalars, colors, custom=custom) >>> df2.present() >>> show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert len(scalars) == len(colors), 'scalars and colors must be corresponding' if len(scalars) == 0: return None # Parameters ax = plt.gca() divider = _ensure_divider(ax) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) xy, width, height = _get_axis_xy_width_height(ax) #orientation = ['vertical', 'horizontal'][0] TICK_FONTSIZE = 8 # # Create scalar mappable with cmap if custom: # FIXME: clean this code up and change the name custom # to be meaningful. It is more like: display unique colors unique_scalars, unique_idx = np.unique(scalars, return_index=True) unique_colors = np.array(colors)[unique_idx] #max_, min_ = unique_scalars.max(), unique_scalars.min() #extent_ = max_ - min_ #bounds = np.linspace(min_, max_ + 1, extent_ + 2) listed_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(unique_colors) #norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, listed_cmap.N) #sm =, norm=norm) sm = sm.set_array(np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_scalars) + 1)) else: sorted_scalars = sorted(scalars) listed_cmap = scores_to_cmap(scalars, colors) sm = sm.set_array(sorted_scalars) # Use mapable object to create the colorbar #COLORBAR_SHRINK = .42 # 1 #COLORBAR_PAD = .01 # 1 #COLORBAR_ASPECT = np.abs(20 * height / (width)) # 1 cb = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cax, **kwargs) ## Add the colorbar to the correct label #axis = # if orientation == 'horizontal' else #position = 'bottom' if orientation == 'horizontal' else 'right' #axis.set_ticks_position(position) # This line alone removes data # axis.set_ticks([0, .5, 1]) if custom: ticks = np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_scalars) + 1) if len(ticks) < 2: ticks += .5 else: # SO HACKY ticks += (ticks[1] - ticks[0]) / 2 if isinstance(unique_scalars, np.ndarray) and unique_scalars.dtype.kind == 'f': ticklabels = [float_format % scalar for scalar in unique_scalars] else: ticklabels = unique_scalars cb.set_ticks(ticks) # tick locations cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) # tick labels elif ticklabels is not None: ticks_ = mx = ticks_.max() mn = ticks_.min() ticks = np.linspace(mn, mx, len(ticklabels)) cb.set_ticks(ticks) # tick locations cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) #cb.set_ticks(ticks) # tick locations #cb.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) # tick labels # _set_plotdat(, 'viztype', 'colorbar-%s' % (lbl,)) # _set_plotdat(, 'sm', sm) # FIXME: Figure out how to make a maximum number of ticks # and to enforce them to be inside the data bounds # Sets current axis if lbl is not None: cb.set_label(lbl) return cb
_DF2_DIVIDER_KEY = '_df2_divider'
[docs] def _get_plotdat(ax, key, default=None): """ returns internal property from a matplotlib axis """ _plotdat = _get_plotdat_dict(ax) val = _plotdat.get(key, default) return val
[docs] def _set_plotdat(ax, key, val): """ sets internal property to a matplotlib axis """ _plotdat = _get_plotdat_dict(ax) _plotdat[key] = val
[docs] def _del_plotdat(ax, key): """ sets internal property to a matplotlib axis """ _plotdat = _get_plotdat_dict(ax) if key in _plotdat: del _plotdat[key]
[docs] def _get_plotdat_dict(ax): """ sets internal property to a matplotlib axis """ if '_plotdat' not in ax.__dict__: ax.__dict__['_plotdat'] = {} plotdat_dict = ax.__dict__['_plotdat'] return plotdat_dict
[docs] def _ensure_divider(ax): """ Returns previously constructed divider or creates one """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable divider = _get_plotdat(ax, _DF2_DIVIDER_KEY, None) if divider is None: divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) _set_plotdat(ax, _DF2_DIVIDER_KEY, divider) orig_append_axes = divider.append_axes def df2_append_axes(divider, position, size, pad=None, add_to_figure=True, **kwargs): """ override divider add axes to register the divided axes """ div_axes = _get_plotdat(ax, 'df2_div_axes', []) new_ax = orig_append_axes(position, size, pad=pad, add_to_figure=add_to_figure, **kwargs) div_axes.append(new_ax) _set_plotdat(ax, 'df2_div_axes', div_axes) return new_ax new_method = df2_append_axes.__get__(divider, divider.__class__) setattr(divider, 'append_axes', new_method) return divider
[docs] def scores_to_cmap(scores, colors=None, cmap_='hot'): import matplotlib as mpl if colors is None: colors = scores_to_color(scores, cmap_=cmap_) scores = np.array(scores) colors = np.array(colors) sortx = scores.argsort() sorted_colors = colors[sortx] # Make a listed colormap and mappable object listed_cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(sorted_colors) return listed_cmap
[docs] def scores_to_color(score_list, cmap_='hot', logscale=False, reverse_cmap=False, custom=False, val2_customcolor=None, score_range=None, cmap_range=(.1, .9)): """ Other good colormaps are 'spectral', 'gist_rainbow', 'gist_ncar', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Accent' # TODO: plasma Args: score_list (list): cmap_ (str): defaults to hot logscale (bool): cmap_range (tuple): restricts to only a portion of the cmap to avoid extremes Returns: <class '_ast.ListComp'> Ignore: >>> score_list = np.array([-1, -2, 1, 1, 2, 10]) >>> cmap_ = 'hot' >>> logscale = False >>> reverse_cmap = True >>> custom = True >>> val2_customcolor = { ... -1: UNKNOWN_PURP, ... -2: LIGHT_BLUE, ... } """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert len(score_list.shape) == 1, 'score must be 1d' if len(score_list) == 0: return [] def apply_logscale(scores): scores = np.array(scores) above_zero = scores >= 0 scores_ = scores.copy() scores_[above_zero] = scores_[above_zero] + 1 scores_[~above_zero] = scores_[~above_zero] - 1 scores_ = np.log2(scores_) return scores_ if logscale: # Hack score_list = apply_logscale(score_list) cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap_) #else: # cmap = cmap_ if reverse_cmap: cmap = reverse_colormap(cmap) #if custom: # base_colormap = cmap # data = score_list # cmap = customize_colormap(score_list, base_colormap) if score_range is None: min_ = score_list.min() max_ = score_list.max() else: min_ = score_range[0] max_ = score_range[1] if logscale: min_, max_ = apply_logscale([min_, max_]) if cmap_range is None: cmap_scale_min, cmap_scale_max = 0., 1. else: cmap_scale_min, cmap_scale_max = cmap_range extent_ = max_ - min_ if extent_ == 0: colors = [cmap(.5) for fx in range(len(score_list))] else: if False and logscale: # hack def score2_01(score): return np.log2( 1 + cmap_scale_min + cmap_scale_max * (float(score) - min_) / (extent_)) score_list = np.array(score_list) #rank_multiplier = score_list.argsort() / len(score_list) #normscore = np.array(list(map(score2_01, score_list))) * rank_multiplier normscore = np.array(list(map(score2_01, score_list))) colors = list(map(cmap, normscore)) else: def score2_01(score): return cmap_scale_min + cmap_scale_max * (float(score) - min_) / (extent_) colors = [cmap(score2_01(score)) for score in score_list] if val2_customcolor is not None: colors = [ np.array(val2_customcolor.get(score, color)) for color, score in zip(colors, score_list)] return colors
[docs] def reverse_colormap(cmap): """ References: """ import matplotlib as mpl if isinstance(cmap, mpl.colors.ListedColormap): return mpl.colors.ListedColormap(cmap.colors[::-1]) else: reverse = [] k = [] for key, channel in cmap._segmentdata.items(): data = [] for t in channel: data.append((1 - t[0], t[1], t[2])) k.append(key) reverse.append(sorted(data)) cmap_reversed = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap( + '_reversed', dict(zip(k, reverse))) return cmap_reversed
[docs] class PlotNums(object): """ Convinience class for dealing with plot numberings (pnums) Example: >>> pnum_ = PlotNums(nRows=2, nCols=2) >>> # Indexable >>> print(pnum_[0]) (2, 2, 1) >>> # Iterable >>> print(ub.urepr(list(pnum_), nl=0, nobr=1)) (2, 2, 1), (2, 2, 2), (2, 2, 3), (2, 2, 4) >>> # Callable (iterates through a default iterator) >>> print(pnum_()) (2, 2, 1) >>> print(pnum_()) (2, 2, 2) """ def __init__(self, nRows=None, nCols=None, nSubplots=None, start=0): nRows, nCols = self._get_num_rc(nSubplots, nRows, nCols) self.nRows = nRows self.nCols = nCols base = 0 self.offset = 0 if base == 1 else 1 self.start = start self._iter = None def __getitem__(self, px): return (self.nRows, self.nCols, px + self.offset) def __call__(self): """ replacement for make_pnum_nextgen Example: >>> import itertools as it >>> pnum_ = PlotNums(nSubplots=9) >>> pnum_list = [pnum_() for _ in range(len(pnum_))] >>> result = ('pnum_list = %s' % (ub.urepr(pnum_list),)) >>> print(result) Example: >>> import itertools as it >>> for nRows, nCols, nSubplots in it.product([None, 3], [None, 3], [None, 9]): >>> start = 0 >>> pnum_ = PlotNums(nRows, nCols, nSubplots, start) >>> pnum_list = [pnum_() for _ in range(len(pnum_))] >>> print((nRows, nCols, nSubplots)) >>> result = ('pnum_list = %s' % (ub.urepr(pnum_list),)) >>> print(result) """ if self._iter is None: self._iter = iter(self) return next(self._iter) def __iter__(self): r""" Yields: tuple : pnum Example: >>> pnum_ = iter(PlotNums(nRows=3, nCols=2)) >>> result = ub.urepr(list(pnum_), nl=1, nobr=1) >>> print(result) (3, 2, 1), (3, 2, 2), (3, 2, 3), (3, 2, 4), (3, 2, 5), (3, 2, 6), Example: >>> nRows = 3 >>> nCols = 2 >>> pnum_ = iter(PlotNums(nRows, nCols, start=3)) >>> result = ub.urepr(list(pnum_), nl=1, nobr=1) >>> print(result) (3, 2, 4), (3, 2, 5), (3, 2, 6), """ for px in range(self.start, len(self)): yield self[px] def __len__(self): total_plots = self.nRows * self.nCols return total_plots
[docs] @classmethod def _get_num_rc(cls, nSubplots=None, nRows=None, nCols=None): r""" Gets a constrained row column plot grid Args: nSubplots (None): (default = None) nRows (None): (default = None) nCols (None): (default = None) Returns: tuple: (nRows, nCols) Example: >>> cases = [ >>> dict(nRows=None, nCols=None, nSubplots=None), >>> dict(nRows=2, nCols=None, nSubplots=5), >>> dict(nRows=None, nCols=2, nSubplots=5), >>> dict(nRows=None, nCols=None, nSubplots=5), >>> ] >>> for kw in cases: >>> print('----') >>> size = PlotNums._get_num_rc(**kw) >>> if kw['nSubplots'] is not None: >>> assert size[0] * size[1] >= kw['nSubplots'] >>> print('**kw = %s' % (ub.urepr(kw),)) >>> print('size = %r' % (size,)) """ if nSubplots is None: if nRows is None: nRows = 1 if nCols is None: nCols = 1 else: if nRows is None and nCols is None: nRows, nCols = PlotNums._get_square_row_cols(nSubplots) elif nRows is not None: nCols = int(np.ceil(nSubplots / nRows)) elif nCols is not None: nRows = int(np.ceil(nSubplots / nCols)) return nRows, nCols
[docs] def _get_square_row_cols(nSubplots, max_cols=None, fix=False, inclusive=True): r""" Args: nSubplots (int): max_cols (int): Returns: tuple: (int, int) Example: >>> nSubplots = 9 >>> nSubplots_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> max_cols = None >>> rc_list = [PlotNums._get_square_row_cols(nSubplots, fix=True) for nSubplots in nSubplots_list] >>> print(repr(np.array(rc_list).T)) array([[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3], [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4]]) """ if nSubplots == 0: return 0, 0 if inclusive: rounder = np.ceil else: rounder = np.floor if fix: # This function is very broken, but it might have dependencies # this is the correct version nCols = int(rounder(np.sqrt(nSubplots))) nRows = int(rounder(nSubplots / nCols)) return nRows, nCols else: # This is the clamped num cols version if max_cols is None: max_cols = 5 if nSubplots in [4]: max_cols = 2 if nSubplots in [5, 6, 7]: max_cols = 3 if nSubplots in [8]: max_cols = 4 nCols = int(min(nSubplots, max_cols)) #nCols = int(min(rounder(np.sqrt(nrids)), 5)) nRows = int(rounder(nSubplots / nCols)) return nRows, nCols
[docs] def draw_border(ax, color, lw=2, offset=None, adjust=True): 'draws rectangle border around a subplot' if adjust: xy, width, height = _get_axis_xy_width_height(ax, -.7, -.2, 1, .4) else: xy, width, height = _get_axis_xy_width_height(ax) if offset is not None: xoff, yoff = offset xy = [xoff, yoff] height = - height - yoff width = width - xoff import matplotlib as mpl rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, lw=lw) rect = ax.add_patch(rect) rect.set_clip_on(False) rect.set_fill(False) rect.set_edgecolor(color) return rect
[docs] def draw_boxes(boxes, box_format='xywh', color='blue', labels=None, textkw=None, ax=None): """ Args: boxes (list): list of coordindates in xywh, tlbr, or cxywh format box_format (str): specify how boxes are formated xywh is the top left x and y pixel width and height cxywh is the center xy pixel width and height tlbr is the top left xy and the bottom right xy color (str): edge color of the boxes labels (list): if specified, plots a text annotation on each box Example: >>> qtensure() # xdoc: +SKIP >>> bboxes = [[.1, .1, .6, .3], [.3, .5, .5, .6]] >>> col = draw_boxes(bboxes) """ import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if not len(boxes): return boxes = np.asarray(boxes) if box_format == 'xywh': xywh = boxes elif box_format == 'cxywh': cx, cy, w, h = boxes.T[0:4] x1 = cx - (w / 2) y1 = cy - (h / 2) xywh = np.vstack([x1, y1, w, h]).T elif box_format == 'tlbr': x1, y1 = boxes.T[0:2] w, h = boxes.T[2:4] - boxes.T[0:2] xywh = np.vstack([x1, y1, w, h]).T else: raise KeyError(box_format) edgecolor = Color(color).as01('rgba') facecolor = Color((0, 0, 0, 0)).as01('rgba') rectkw = dict(ec=edgecolor, fc=facecolor, lw=2, linestyle='solid') patches = [mpl.patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, **rectkw) for x, y, w, h in xywh] col = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True) ax.add_collection(col) if labels: texts = [] default_textkw = { 'horizontalalignment': 'left', 'verticalalignment': 'top', 'backgroundcolor': (0, 0, 0, .3), 'color': 'white', 'fontproperties': mpl.font_manager.FontProperties( size=6, family='monospace'), } tkw = default_textkw.copy() if textkw is not None: tkw.update(textkw) for (x1, y1, w, h), label in zip(xywh, labels): texts.append((x1, y1, label, tkw)) for (x1, y1, catname, tkw) in texts: ax.text(x1, y1, catname, **tkw) return col
[docs] def draw_line_segments(pts1, pts2, ax=None, **kwargs): """ draws `N` line segments between `N` pairs of points Args: pts1 (ndarray): Nx2 pts2 (ndarray): Nx2 ax (None): (default = None) **kwargs: lw, alpha, colors Example: >>> pts1 = np.array([(.1, .8), (.6, .8)]) >>> pts2 = np.array([(.6, .7), (.4, .1)]) >>> figure(fnum=None) >>> draw_line_segments(pts1, pts2) >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> ax = plt.gca() >>> ax.set_xlim(0, 1) >>> ax.set_ylim(0, 1) >>> show_if_requested() """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() assert len(pts1) == len(pts2), 'unaligned' segments = [(xy1, xy2) for xy1, xy2 in zip(pts1, pts2)] linewidth = kwargs.pop('lw', kwargs.pop('linewidth', 1.0)) alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 1.0) if 'color' in kwargs: kwargs['colors'] = kwargs['color'] # mpl.colors.ColorConverter().to_rgb(kwargs['color']) line_group = mpl.collections.LineCollection(segments, linewidths=linewidth, alpha=alpha, **kwargs) ax.add_collection(line_group)
[docs] def make_heatmask(probs, cmap='plasma', with_alpha=True): """ Colorizes a single-channel intensity mask (with an alpha channel) """ import matplotlib as mpl assert len(probs.shape) == 2 cmap_ = from graphid import util probs = util.ensure_float01(probs) heatmask = cmap_(probs) if with_alpha: heatmask[:, :, 0:3] = heatmask[:, :, 0:3][:, :, ::-1] heatmask[:, :, 3] = probs return heatmask
[docs] class Color(ub.NiceRepr): """ move to colorutil? Example: >>> print(Color('g')) >>> print(Color('orangered')) >>> print(Color('#AAAAAA').as255()) >>> print(Color([0, 255, 0])) >>> print(Color([1, 1, 1.])) >>> print(Color([1, 1, 1])) >>> print(Color(Color([1, 1, 1])).as255()) >>> print(Color(Color([1., 0, 1, 0])).ashex()) >>> print(Color([1, 1, 1], alpha=255)) >>> print(Color([1, 1, 1], alpha=255, space='lab')) """ def __init__(self, color, alpha=None, space=None): if isinstance(color, Color): assert alpha is None assert space is None space = color = color.color01 else: color = self._ensure_color01(color) if alpha is not None: alpha = self._ensure_color01([alpha])[0] if space is None: space = 'rgb' # always normalize the color down to 01 color01 = list(color) if alpha is not None: if len(color01) not in [1, 3]: raise ValueError('alpha already in color') color01 = color01 + [alpha] # correct space if alpha is given if len(color01) in [2, 4]: if not space.endswith('a'): space += 'a' self.color01 = color01 = space def __nice__(self): colorpart = ', '.join(['{:.2f}'.format(c) for c in self.color01]) return + ': ' + colorpart
[docs] def ashex(self, space=None): c255 = self.as255(space) return '#' + ''.join(['{:02x}'.format(c) for c in c255])
[docs] def as255(self, space=None): color = (np.array(self.as01(space)) * 255).astype(np.uint8) return tuple(map(int, color))
[docs] def as01(self, space=None): """ self = mplutil.Color('red') mplutil.Color('green').as01('rgba') """ color = tuple(self.color01) if space is not None: if space == pass elif space == 'rgba' and == 'rgb': color = color + (1,) elif space == 'bgr' and == 'rgb': color = color[::-1] elif space == 'rgb' and == 'bgr': color = color[::-1] else: assert False return tuple(map(float, color))
[docs] @classmethod def _is_base01(channels): """ check if a color is in base 01 """ def _test_base01(channels): tests01 = { 'is_float': all([isinstance(c, (float, np.float64)) for c in channels]), 'is_01': all([c >= 0.0 and c <= 1.0 for c in channels]), } return tests01 if isinstance(channels, str): return False return all(_test_base01(channels).values())
[docs] @classmethod def _is_base255(Color, channels): """ there is a one corner case where all pixels are 1 or less """ if (all(c > 0.0 and c <= 255.0 for c in channels) and any(c > 1.0 for c in channels)): # Definately in 255 space return True else: # might be in 01 or 255 return all(isinstance(c, int) for c in channels)
[docs] @classmethod def _hex_to_01(Color, hex_color): """ hex_color = '#6A5AFFAF' """ assert hex_color.startswith('#'), 'not a hex string %r' % (hex_color,) parts = hex_color[1:].strip() color255 = tuple(int(parts[i: i + 2], 16) for i in range(0, len(parts), 2)) assert len(color255) in [3, 4], 'must be length 3 or 4' return Color._255_to_01(color255)
[docs] def _ensure_color01(Color, color): """ Infer what type color is and normalize to 01 """ if isinstance(color, str): color = Color._string_to_01(color) elif Color._is_base255(color): color = Color._255_to_01(color) return color
[docs] @classmethod def _255_to_01(Color, color255): """ converts base 255 color to base 01 color """ return [channel / 255.0 for channel in color255]
[docs] @classmethod def _string_to_01(Color, color): """ mplutil.Color._string_to_01('green') mplutil.Color._string_to_01('red') """ from matplotlib import colors as mcolors if color in mcolors.BASE_COLORS: color01 = mcolors.BASE_COLORS[color] elif color in mcolors.CSS4_COLORS: color_hex = mcolors.CSS4_COLORS[color] color01 = Color._hex_to_01(color_hex) elif color.startswith('#'): color01 = Color._hex_to_01(color) else: raise ValueError('unknown color=%r' % (color,)) return color01
[docs] @classmethod def named_colors(cls): from matplotlib import colors as mcolors names = sorted(list(mcolors.BASE_COLORS.keys()) + list(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS.keys())) return names
[docs] @classmethod def distinct(cls, num, space='bgr'): """ Make multiple distinct colors """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib._cm as _cm cm = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( 'gist_rainbow', _cm.datad['gist_rainbow'], mpl.rcParams['image.lut']) distinct_colors = [ np.array(cm(i / num)).tolist()[0:3][::-1] for i in range(num) ] if space == 'bgr': return [Color(c, 'bgr').as01(space=space) for c in distinct_colors] else: return distinct_colors
[docs] def adjust_hsv(self, hue_adjust=0.0, sat_adjust=0.0, val_adjust=0.0): """ Performs adaptive changes to the HSV values of the color. Args: hue_adjust (float): addative sat_adjust (float): val_adjust (float): Returns: list: new_rgb CommandLine: python -m graphid.util.mplutil Color.adjust_hsv Example: >>> rgb_list = [Color(c).as01() for c in ['pink', 'yellow', 'green']] >>> hue_adjust = -0.1 >>> sat_adjust = +0.5 >>> val_adjust = -0.1 >>> # execute function >>> new_rgb_list = [Color(rgb).adjust_hsv(hue_adjust, sat_adjust, val_adjust) for rgb in rgb_list] >>> print(ub.urepr(new_rgb_list, nl=1, sv=True)) [ <Color(rgb: 0.90, 0.23, 0.75)>, <Color(rgb: 0.90, 0.36, 0.00)>, <Color(rgb: 0.24, 0.40, 0.00)>, ] >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> color_list = rgb_list + new_rgb_list >>> testshow_colors(color_list) Ignore: print(np.array([-.1, 0.0, .1, .5, .9, 1.0, 1.1])) print(np.array([-.1, 0.0, .1, .5, .9, 1.0, 1.1]) % 1.0) print(divmod(np.array([-.1, 0.0, .1, .5, .9, 1.0, 1.1]), 1.0)) print(1 + np.array([-.1, 0.0, .1, .5, .9, 1.0, 1.1]) % 1.0) """ rgb = list(self.as01(space='rgb')) alpha = None if len(rgb) == 4: (R, G, B, alpha) = rgb else: (R, G, B) = rgb hsv = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(R, G, B) (H, S, V) = hsv H_new = (H + hue_adjust) if H_new > 0 or H_new < 1: # is there a way to more ellegantly get this? H_new %= 1.0 S_new = max(min(S + sat_adjust, 1.0), 0.0) V_new = max(min(V + val_adjust, 1.0), 0.0) #print('hsv=%r' % (hsv,)) hsv_new = (H_new, S_new, V_new) #print('hsv_new=%r' % (hsv_new,)) new_rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(*hsv_new) if alpha is not None: new_rgb = list(new_rgb) + [alpha] return Color(new_rgb, space='rgb').convert(
[docs] def convert(self, space): """ Converts to a new colorspace """ return Color(self.as01(space=space), space=space)
[docs] def zoom_factory(ax=None, zoomable_list=[], base_scale=1.1): """ References: """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() def zoom_fun(event): #print('zooming') # get the current x and y limits cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim() cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim() xdata = event.xdata # get event x location ydata = event.ydata # get event y location if xdata is None or ydata is None: return if event.button == 'up': # deal with zoom in scale_factor = 1 / base_scale elif event.button == 'down': # deal with zoom out scale_factor = base_scale else: raise NotImplementedError('event.button=%r' % (event.button,)) # deal with something that should never happen scale_factor = 1 print(event.button) for zoomable in zoomable_list: zoom = zoomable.get_zoom() new_zoom = zoom / (scale_factor ** (1.2)) zoomable.set_zoom(new_zoom) # Get distance from the cursor to the edge of the figure frame x_left = xdata - cur_xlim[0] x_right = cur_xlim[1] - xdata y_top = ydata - cur_ylim[0] y_bottom = cur_ylim[1] - ydata ax.set_xlim([xdata - x_left * scale_factor, xdata + x_right * scale_factor]) ax.set_ylim([ydata - y_top * scale_factor, ydata + y_bottom * scale_factor]) # ---- ax.figure.canvas.draw() # force re-draw fig = ax.get_figure() # get the figure of interest # attach the call back fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', zoom_fun) #return the function return zoom_fun
[docs] def pan_factory(ax=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() self = PanEvents(ax) ax = fig = ax.get_figure() # get the figure of interest self.cidBP = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pan_on_press) self.cidBR = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.pan_on_release) self.cidBM = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.pan_on_motion) # attach the call back return self
[docs] class PanEvents(object): def __init__(self, ax=None): = None self.cur_xlim = None self.cur_ylim = None self.x0 = None self.y0 = None self.x1 = None self.y1 = None self.xpress = None self.ypress = None self.xzoom = True self.yzoom = True self.cidBP = None self.cidBR = None self.cidBM = None self.cidKeyP = None self.cidKeyR = None self.cidScroll = None = ax
[docs] def pan_on_press(self, event): if event.button != 1: return ax = if event.inaxes != ax: return self.cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim() self.cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim() = self.x0, self.y0, event.xdata, event.ydata self.x0, self.y0, self.xpress, self.ypress =
[docs] def pan_on_release(self, event): if event.button != 1: return ax = = None ax.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def pan_on_motion(self, event): ax = if is None: return if event.inaxes != ax: return dx = event.xdata - self.xpress dy = event.ydata - self.ypress self.cur_xlim -= dx self.cur_ylim -= dy ax.set_xlim(self.cur_xlim) ax.set_ylim(self.cur_ylim) ax.figure.canvas.draw() ax.figure.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] def relative_text(pos, text, ax=None, offset=None, **kwargs): """ Places text on axes in a relative position Args: pos (tuple): relative xy position text (str): text ax (None): (default = None) offset (None): (default = None) **kwargs: horizontalalignment, verticalalignment, roffset, ha, va, fontsize, fontproperties, fontproperties, clip_on CommandLine: python -m graphid.util.mplutil relative_text --show Example: >>> from graphid import util >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> x = .5 >>> y = .5 >>> util.figure() >>> txt = 'Hello World' >>> family = 'monospace' >>> family = 'CMU Typewriter Text' >>> fontproperties = mpl.font_manager.FontProperties(family=family, >>> size=42) >>> relative_text((x, y), txt, halign='center', >>> fontproperties=fontproperties) >>> util.show_if_requested() """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if pos == 'lowerleft': pos = (.01, .99) kwargs['halign'] = 'left' kwargs['valign'] = 'bottom' elif pos == 'upperleft': pos = (.01, .01) kwargs['halign'] = 'left' kwargs['valign'] = 'top' x, y = pos if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if 'halign' in kwargs: kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = kwargs.pop('halign') if 'valign' in kwargs: kwargs['verticalalignment'] = kwargs.pop('valign') if 'ha' in kwargs: kwargs['horizontalalignment'] = kwargs.pop('ha') if 'va' in kwargs: kwargs['verticalalignment'] = kwargs.pop('va') xy, width, height = get_axis_xy_width_height(ax) x_, y_ = ((xy[0]) + x * width, (xy[1] + height) - y * height) if offset is not None: xoff, yoff = offset x_ += xoff y_ += yoff ax.text(x_, y_, text, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_axis_xy_width_height(ax=None, xaug=0, yaug=0, waug=0, haug=0): """ gets geometry of a subplot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() autoAxis = ax.axis() xy = (autoAxis[0] + xaug, autoAxis[2] + yaug) width = (autoAxis[1] - autoAxis[0]) + waug height = (autoAxis[3] - autoAxis[2]) + haug return xy, width, height
if __name__ == '__main__': import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)